Take control of your business

Office + Technology

E&O Insurance

GAMLS agent fee

24/7 Office Access

Real Estate Related Printing

CE Training's 

Agent Masterminds

Lofty CRM System

Agent Home Search Site Powered by Lofty

CRM Mobile App

Ability to scale personal lead generation campaigns

Ken & Anita Corsini

Having grown Red Barn Real Estate into a 500 Million/year business, Ken and Anita Corsini are certainly well versed in Atlanta real estate .... and it is with great excitement that they've recently launched their new brokerage - RB Realty!
Having seen and experienced firsthand the challenges that so many agents face in this market, the Corsini's wanted to build a brokerage around an entirely new concept ... one that truly puts the agent ahead of the brokerage.
RB Realty is built on the Cooperation Model ... it's the idea that as fellow agents, we are all working in this business together, shoulder to shoulder.  In this Co-op model, 100% of the profits generated by our agents, get distributed BACK TO OUR AGENTS.  
You don't have to refer friends, you don't have to build downlines ... you participate in the profits simply by being an agent at RB Realty.  Can you imagine actually making money from your brokerage rather than just paying into your brokerage?
At RB Realty, we want to coach you, support you encourage you, and ultimately help you become a more profitable agent!

Let’s kickstart your business

We’ll be with you every step of the way.